44¾ miles for the week of February 25th through March 2nd
M – sleep, 62°F at 4AM
Tu – 4 miles, average pace 6:49 mpm, woke up late so I just had time for the Dow-, 67°F at 4AM [Dow-]
W – 6¼ miles, average pace 7:05 mpm, with 3x1Mile/400 recoveries, Miles progressively faster with a 5:57, a 5:54, and a 5:46, 55°F at 7PM [B’Wood track]
Th –4¾ miles, recovery run, average pace 8:21 mpm, 58°F at 4AM [Dow]
F - 10 miles, general aerobic, average pace 7:20 mpm, 75°F at 1PM [SeaC/NTrail-MBTrail-2MMBT/SeaC]
Sa – 8¾ miles at an average 8:29 mpm pace, sunny humid and 76°F at 1PM [PlantBr//SeaC/NTrail-MBTrail/SeaC]
Su – 11 miles, at an average pace of 7:47 mpm, overcast, very windy and humid 76°F from Noon [SeaC/NTrail-2x2M/SeaC]
36¼ miles for the week of March 3rd through March 9th
M – 4¾ miles, recovery run, average pace 8:18 mpm, 72°F at 4AM [Dow]
Tu – 4 miles, average pace 7:01 mpm, woke up late so I just had time for the Dow-, 41°F at 4AM [Dow-] Felt pretty bad with some left ankle/Achilles pain
W – missed
Th –5¾ miles, general aerobic run, average pace 7:25 mpm, 65°F at 4AM [Dow] Still feeling pretty blagh
F - missed
Sa – 9¾ miles with a 10K race at an average 6:06 mpm pace, sunny but nice cold, dry air 43°F at 8AM [Bayou City 10K]
Su – 12 miles Bridge and Beach run, average pace of 7:18 mpm, mostly cloudy, strong Gulf wind and humid, 67°F from Noon [6xSSBridge/SS11-8-11]
Splits for Saturday’s Bayou City 10K were 6:02, 5:57, 5:56, (5K in 18:45) 6:17, 6:12, 6:28 and 61 (second 5K in 19:09) for a new 10K PR of 37:53.4 (chip). I think I ran a low-37 10K in college in 1980 in Hermann Park, but I can’t recall the exact time, so I’ll claim this race as a new 10K PR.
I’m not sure about that last mile in 6:28; I might have hit my watch a little late. I have to say I was pretty tired when I finished, so I'm happy with the effort. This race helped turn around my attitude. I was feeling pretty bad the past couple of weeks with my left ankle irritating me and my weight edging 190. I'm looking forward to the 8K now. My weight is still in the 180s so there's plenty of room for improvement.
New Blog
5 months ago
Wow Nuke, that is awesome! Congrats on the PR.
Hey maybe if you had worn a skirt, you woulda smoked that guy! ;) I can loan you one.
Congrats! The last mile mark was a bit off. my last mile was slow and my last .2 was blazing fast. I kicked hard, but 52 or 53 seconds??? I don't think I kicked that hard.
Again, nice race.
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